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Create multiple queue & Vlans a singel Command on Mikrotik router


How to create multiple queue & Vlans a singel command on Mikrotik

Here is the simple command to add all IP in MikroTik simple queue. In the MikroTik terminal, just run the following code. But before copy and paste the code, first copy the code in a notepad and change the IP address range and bandwidth values as you want based on your policy. Then run that command inside MikroTik terminal.

for x from 1 to 254 do={/queue simple add name="queue-$x" max-limit=3M/3M target="192.168.77.$x"}
for x from=3541 to=3544 do={interface vlan add name=("$x-PPPoE") vlan-id=$x interface=ether4}
for i from=2018101 to=2018155 do={/ppp secret add name="$i" password=1234 profile=Ek-Desh-Ek-Rate-5Mbps service=pppoe }
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Article details
Article ID: 11
Category: Knowledgebase
Views: 280
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.4/5.0 (17)

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